Praying For Him

Learn to Pray For Your Husband through a Daily Email

Your Husband Needs Your Prayer

Your husband is the most important person in your life. You love him and want him to be all that God has called him to be. As his wife, the most powerful thing you can do for your husband is to pray for him daily.

Every day your husband faces temptations, attacks, and challenges that test his commitment to the Lord.

His only hope is to continually draw on the strength that God has provided. As his spouse, it is your responsibility to continually support him through prayer.

Imagine what might happen in your marriage if you learned to pray daily and effectively for  your husband

We All Have Good Intentions

Let’s Do Something About it. Right Now!

This could be the beginning of an incredible new habit of praying for your husband every day.
Imagine what God might do in your life and marriage if you began consistently praying for your husband.

Praying for Him is provided free of charge
as a ministry of the National Prayer Room

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Join women around the world praying for their husbands


Women Praying



In Praying For Him You Will...


  • Receive a daily email reminding you to pray
  • Learn 21 topics to pray for your husband each day
  • Discover 21 scriptures to claim for your husband
  • Receive a daily sample prayer to help you get started
  • Have a daily encouraging message to send to your husband



What Women Are Saying

“These prayers have been a blessing to me and my fiancee. He grew up as a Muslim. We have had a few struggles with our relationship, so instead of walking away and ending it, I told him that I would pray for him for the next 31 days through Praying for Him. Each day I would pray and send him the prayers. On day 27 I was able to say the sinner’s prayer with him. So he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. I pray that God blesses your work!”


“My husband left me and our two sons. I found your site quite by accident. I truly think God was leading me to you. These emails have brought me hope. I am standing in prayer for my marriage and for my family.”


“I am currently in separated with my husbnad and in a difficult season. Through the daily prayers and devotions, I learned how to reay prayer. On day 30 my hustband;s heart was softened. I believe in God’s perfect time my husband will come back to God and our family. God bless your ministry!”


Take The Praying for Him Challenge

Learn to pray for your husband consistently and effectively

Here’s A Sample of What You Will Receive

Day 1
“Love God With All His Heart”

Today’s Verse: And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. – Mark 12:30

One day, Jesus was asked which of the commandments was the greatest. He gave a very simple answer: “Love God.” Interestingly, He didn’t say, “serve” God. God’s first call is to a love relationship. Jesus then adds, “with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” It wasn’t that He was trying to give us four different aspects of love, but to simply say that we are to love God with all that we are. A love that begins in our heart, works in our mind and shows itself in our actions.

So many Christians are willing to love God at some level, but not with all that they are. Jesus was saying that if we are going to love God, we have to love Him with all of our being. Loving God is more than an emotion or even an action, like going to church or helping others. Loving God is placing Him at the center of all that we are.

Today, as you pray for your husband, pray that he can grow in his love relationship with Christ and that he will love Him with all that he is.

Sample Prayer:

Father, today I pray that my husband will grow in his love for You. May he love You with all his heart, all his soul, all his mind, and all his might. I pray that he will make You the center of his life. Help him to submit his mind, emotions, desires, and dreams to You. I pray he will pursue a deep love relationship with You.

In Jesus Name,

(If you would like, you can copy and paste the following message, or use it as an example to let your husband know what you are praying for her today.)

Sweetheart, today I am praying that as you continue to grow in your love for God, He will become the centerpiece of all you are. I pray you will love Him with all your heart, and with everything you are. I am praying for you to truly be able to say, “I love God with all that I am.”

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